
Presentations, guest speaking and guest teaching

Tech Teaser: VR Wall Suite (27 February 2025) Promotional showcase video, Communications and PR, Nottingham Trent University

Digital and Data Confidence and Competence interview (14 January 2025) Online meeting, The NHS Digital Academy

Voice of Customer interview (19 December 2024) Online meeting, Igloo Vision Ltd

User research - direct invitation to interview to discuss workflow issues with reporting on verified hours (14 November 2024) Online meeting, PebblePad Ltd

User testing - direct invitation to review and test LTI group Sets synchronisation with PebblePad developers (30 July 2024) Online meeting, PebblePad Ltd

User testing - direct invitation to review LTI group Sets concept with PebblePad developers (8 July 2024) Online meeting, PebblePad Ltd

Experience an immersive learning space utilising non-interactive Virtual Reality (25 June 2024) Demonstration and discussion (3x 15-minute slots), Nottingham Trent University School of Social Sciences Showcase 2024 Day 2

Experience an immersive learning space utilising non-interactive Virtual Reality (19 June 2024) Demonstration and discussion (2x 3x 15-minute slots), Nottingham Trent University Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2024 Day 2

Learning technology manager role profile (1 December 2023) Promotional interview and case study video, University of Manchester

User testing - direct invitation to test new submission versioning functionality with PebblePad developers (13 September 2023) Online meeting, PebblePad Ltd

Testimonial: successes/feedback - direct invitation to share H5P.com achievements, experiences, insights and feedback with H5P developers and engineers (13 October 2022) Online meeting, The H5P Core Team

Application of H5P in paramedicine (28 April 2022) Pre-recorded webinar with Andrew Kirke, Nottingham Trent University TILT Flexible and Online Learning Symposium - Stories of digital success - What have we retained?

Support and reflections on digital learning and working during lock-down (2 June 2020) Webinar, Association for Learning Technology West Midlands Group

Supporting Learning With Technology (June 2014) Presentation, John Leggott College, staff learning technology development day

Guest speaker (2012-2014) Delivered guest talks to teacher trainees studying on Levels 3, 4 and 5 Education and Training qualifications.  Discussing the advantages and effective use of learning technology and showcased possibilities of what they can do with their own learners.  As well as working with the teachers delivering these courses to embed and model learning technology throughout them

Moodle training day with teachers (January 2012) One day in-person support, New College Pontefract

Barnsley College Teachers' Fair (2010-2016)

Attended and presented at various Jisc events such as Moodle User Group, Learning Technologists' Forum, annual Summer Conferences and LearnPod (2010-2014)