Thursday, 27 June 2019

Moving from passive to purposefully interactive

I had the pleasure of delivering a presentation for the Society of Education and Training Foundation's (SET) webinar series, recorded 7 December 2018 and broadcast on Thursday 27 June 2019 at 4pm.

"In this webinar Daniel Scott will show you how to move from passive to active use of digital tools. Daniel was winner of the Learning Technologist of the Year Award 2016 by the Association for Learning Technology and is the author of Learning Technology: A Handbook for FE Teachers and Assessors (#LTbookFE).

He is a Digital Practice Advisor at Nottingham Trent University, where he leads professional development opportunities for staff to engage and embed digital technology into their existing practices.

You will also hear more about the Enhance digital teaching platform, which are free to use modules to help develop your teaching practice using technology.

As announced by SET themselves: "Upcoming SET Webinar: Enhance your digital skills with Daniel Scott, author of 'Learning Technology: A Handbook for FE Teachers and Assessors' (#LTbookFE). Discover how to move from passive to active use of digital tools: Register here:".  Here's me talking about the greatness that is H5P, with proud mentioning of #LTbookFE.  To summarise, this is what I cover:

  • Addressing common barriers to using learning technology
  • Ways to approach learning technology with purpose (learning types and DEP model) - pedagogy before technology
  • Improving active learning with digital technology
  • Introducing H5P as a tool to create interactive digital learning activities and resources
    • Including how you can make some quick wins in your practices in terms of making passive aspects into interactive
  • Promoting 'Learning Technology' as there is a dedicated section in the second chapter on 'Creating eLearning activities and digital resources'

This links to my previous blog post 'Creating rapid eLearning activities (H5P)' and 'Enabling and empowering academics to create digitally interactive eLearning content with H5P'.

SET's recording with introduction and plenary by Naomi Dixon: