Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Enabling and empowering academics to create digitally interactive eLearning content with H5P

Having recently joined the DigiLearn Sector Community, fronted by Chris Melia at The University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN).  I was invited to deliver a webinar for the community, so I instantly thought of the work I have been doing on H5P - 'Enabling and empowering academics to create digitally interactive eLearning content with H5P'.  As Tweeted out by Chris: "Looking forward to this week's #DigiLearnSector webinar with @_Daniel_Scott "Enabling and empowering academics to create digitally interactive eLearning content with H5P" 👍 Sign-up here:".

My presentation at a glance:

  • Overview of my approach I am taking with H5P at Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
  • My role in this - to empower academics by showing the possibilities and scaffolding their thinking to re-purpose their materials to introduce more interactivity in the VLE modules
    • Not being proficient instructional designers - rough and ready on a take and reshape approach
  • Why I have such passion for H5P and why I led on introducing it at NTU
    • Memorable online activities - translating our best classroom experiences (involved, fun etc) online
  • The work I have done to date
  • Demonstrations of real examples of H5P being used in curriculum areas, as well as a brief example of my own
  • Where I am heading next
  • Further pieces of information I have done with H5P:



See the bottom of my original H5P blog post on why you shouldn't use the free site to host content.