Friday, 7 January 2022

Creating and improving asynchronous learning opportunities

On 13 December 2021, I delivered a short in-person briefing-type session to my paramedic colleagues on how they can go about creating or improving asynchronous learning.  The purpose of the session was to start a conversation of asynchronous learning with the aim of encouraging further developments within this area of the department. 

The session included underpinning what and why, initial ideas, brief demos, discussion and signposting to resources.  It also provided me the opportunity to get acquainted with some colleagues I had not yet met in-person yet.  Enthusiasm was quite low given the time of year but resulted in developmental conversations, further ideas - including the potential application of other digital technologies, such as Vevox, and uptake of what I am there to offer and support with.  Not all slides were discussed in depth as the slide deck acted as a handout for colleagues to review in the New Year.  However, this will most likely be a priority topic for the Institute of Health and Allied Professions-specific digital development group I am forming.

Below is the presentation I created to structure and support the session  – which also acts as a starting point resource for ideas/or discussion.  I talk more about asynchronous learning and working in 'H5P endeavours - a progress update' and 'Blending introversion with asynchronous working'.