Thursday, 6 March 2014

Demonstrating employability

Thought I'd give an up date on my progress on delivering employability from my post, Exploring and learning employability.  I've come to start demonstrating and finishing off my evidence for DTLLS on the Delivering Employability Skills unit.  I didn't quite get creative with this unit as I mentioned I would.  I think time got the better of me on this.  But, creativity is best done with the teaching of it!

Just after Christmas I arranged to sit in some employability lessons with the Skills for Jobs department, who deliver programmes for the unemployed.  They have been very interesting from the people who are enrolled to the programmes to the content that is being delivered.  It's widened my understanding of the need for employability skills for adults as well as young adults.  I've had to refresh my knowledge on employability skills.  Topics I am invovled in are CV building, interview techniques, responsible work practice and recognising and respecting diversity in the workplace.

For this unit, I just need to capture evidence of me demonstrating this subject, meaning teaching it.  So I have been building myself up by shadowing other teachers if you like, then I will do my effort with it.  I still love this subject as employability is and encapsulates education.  I hope to do more on this in the future!