Saturday, 17 August 2013

Learning in the Lifelong

I'm currently doing the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector.  This is the last qualification in the suite.  I've previously done Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector and Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector.  So it was natural progression and a personal ambition to complete the entire suite of qualifications and gain all theory and practice from them.

I've learned so much  from these courses over the years.  I did the PTLLS in April 2011 and the CTLLS from October 2011.  The content in the qualifications for me is really engaging and interesting.  I have found the structure of them very learner friendly too.  I'm currently coming towards the end of doing the DTLLS.  This is like the last piece of the teacher training.  Everything I have learned in PTLLS and CTLLS comes back into DTLLS, but to explore deeper into it all for the full teaching qualification.  It's like I have come full circle now, applying everything I have learned throughout these qualifications.  They have made me a stronger and more confident person as a result and helped me realise my potential as a future teacher.

I do feel a bit unconfident at times as I forget some core teaching theory and practices.  But I just keep refreshing myself of the teacher training I have gone through and revisiting my reference books.  I hope I'm not alone in feeling this!  I am a perfectionist, but not where it's annoying, only for me!

I have recently been teaching fully on the Level 4 Certificate in Technology in Learning Delivery, which has been my main hours for the DTLLS.  Previously for CTLLS, my hours was a mix of my full-time training and dipping into odd lessons teaching on a IT qualification.  It was a great experience, but it wasn't a true reflection of teaching.  So doing the DTLLS has been the true experience for me as I have gone through the entire learning, teaching and assessment processes.

I do feel that in the new reform of these qualifications they should have kept the Lifelong Learning in the title.  Because now they have called them Education and Training, which sounds a bit dull.  For me, Lifelong Learning should have been kept as this is what it is all about and what we should enthuse to our learners.  It's what I am about as a person; a Lifelong Learner.  So I am glad to have taken these qualifications before the changes!

I do assist on these courses at Barnsley College.  From when I first started in my role at Barnsley College, I was asked to do short lessons on introducing technology in learning and teaching, on PTLLS and CTLLS courses.  I introduce online tools and in-classroom devices for learning activities and teaching delivery  To date, I am still being asked to do these short lessons and I love it!  It keeps me in these courses and more importantly, working my practices.

Sometime in my career, I would like to teach on these courses.  Giving back everything I have learned throughout my career for future generations.