Tuesday 20 August 2013

Online tidying - a positive attitude

I'm actually really OCD about my online identities, accounts, profiles, subscriptions etc.  I'm really concious of the information I'm creating and how I present it.  I just see online information, or any informaton about me or what I present for that matter, that if it is:

  • Not in use and/or being used
  • Not relevant (what and why is the point of creating the account and/or information?)
  • Not meaningful (depending on the purpose, if no one understands it, you've created a barrier.)
  • Not impacting (depending on the purpose, but is it doing its purpose?)

Then the information is dead and needs to be removed or deleted.  There is a lot of 'dead information' out there that is just clutter.  It serves no purpose to you or anyone else.  Plus, people searching on you will come across this dead information and think, what?  So I always ensure I possess good 'online tidying skills' and cleaning up as I mean to go along.  I tie together all of my professional sites together, like within this blog.  They all flow into each other.

I've recently had a massive online clearout and deleted many unused accounts and email subscriptions.  I have this approach that if I am not getting anything from what I have registered to in an impactful way, then I will remove the accounts or information.  For me it's a positive online attitude and contribution to my information I am putting out there and what I am registering and subscribing to.  Plus, in time it will help the internet to not to be full of dead information.

I recently created an eLearning package about eSafety, which also touches on ensuring your online identity information is accurate.

In my opinion and through light research, learners of today don’t need to know all the technical aspects.  They need to know basic communication skills for proper use of collaborative technology and tools.  It’s not the technology they need to know about, they and we do that themselves.  It’s real and proper communication when using that matters.

And this is exactly what this new short but sharp 'object' will hopefully achieve.  It is a visual object with thoughtful statements for learners to think and answer for themselves, but in a happy way.  I don’t do doom and gloom, but maybe they need to see at least one bad example of incorrect communication for further impact.  Which I included!

It will be interesting to see how digital life and knowledge will impact everyone globally.

Just as traditional history is lifeblood to us now, I wonder how the internet will become the history for tomorrow? What about the quality, authenticity and longevity of it?

It begs a lot of thinking, questions and possibly worries!