1. What do you think of the content of YOUR Moodle course page?
- Poor
- Average
- Good
- Excellent
2. Any suggestions for improving the content of YOUR Moodle course page?
3. What do YOU think of the variety and content on this Moodle page? (Video, audio, images, quizzes etc.)
- No variety
- Some variety
- Wide range of variety
4. Any comments on the variety and content of this Moodle course page?
5. Is the content of this Moodle course page developing YOUR knowledge and understanding?
- Not developing
- Reinforces what I know
- Developing more understanding
6. You are satisfied with the materials and development of your Moodle course?
- Disagree
- Neither agree or disagree
- Agree
- Agree strongly
7. Do you use this Moodle course outside College?
- Yes - I do use the materials
- No - I don’t study outside the college
- I have some issues, please give the issues below