Monday, 30 June 2014

A new kind of artist

I'm really buzzing at the moment, so to capture the moment I thought I'd write about it right now!

I don't know why, but tonight I am just excited!  I have been trying something out for about two weeks now and it's like my mind has happily exploded with new ideas and thinking, just now, randomly!

What I decided to do a few weeks back was to use Padlet like an artist's blank canvas.  I started collecting images and links that I really like and maybe writing some questions, all to do with personal growth and the future of eLearning; what I would like it to be and look like.

I did this with no real reason, just a space to place inspiring material for me to gaze at.  I had no thought of what I was going to do with it all, just to simply reflect on this beautiful space from day to day.  I didn't want to pressure myself into any creative task.  Because I believe that is not the way to invoke and encourage creativity.  Tonight, it helped me say; just because I don't draw, paint or play an instrument doesn't mean I'm not an artist. Work is in progress.

So now I have my picture, I should 'frame it' to complete it and make it real.

It's like this has made me a new kind of artist, all about learning!